Showing posts with label New England. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New England. Show all posts

Sunday, September 23, 2012

2012 Northeast Ski Movie Premieres

From "Further", the TGR and Jeremy Jones film.

It's that time of year again: time to break out the long sleeved shirts and woollies.  The first snows are starting to Fall in the high peaks as old man winter stops hitting the snooze button, drinks his coffee and gets down to business.  He doesn't demand blood sacrifices like the mountain biking gods.  He does, however, demand to be entertained from September through December.  So Warren, Teton, Red Bull and those Meatheads make their annual offerings all so that we can bask in Winter's powdery glory.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Return to North Twin Slide (March 2012)

I think it’s safe to say that running into a machete wielding stranger deep in the wilderness is probably high on most people's list of nightmare scenarios.  Sometimes, however, it can be the answer to your prayers.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

-Trip Report- Mt. Hor, VT: Insert Inappropriate Remark Here (February 2012)

Gered ponders whether he can freeclimb a granite wall with tele skis.
If you look out from the mid-mountain lodge at Burke, you can see an immense crack between two mountains where Lake Willoughby is located. Let me tell you the story of that crack's Hor.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

-Trip Report- Mt. Cardigan: A Backcountry Mountain with Training Wheels (March 2008)

I dare you to paint a picture with those shades of blue.  You'll be laughed at.
At some point in my life I'm going to be diagnosed with skin cancer.  I've resigned myself to this fate due to my Casper-esque complexion combined with an uncanny ability to forget sunscreen on the worst possible occasions. Someday they'll be burning a lesion off of my face, and I'll be dreaming of one such occasion: my first backcountry ski trip to Mt. Cardigan in New Hampshire.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

AMC's Favorite Ski Tours

AMC (the mountain club, not the theater chain) just sent out their November/ December issue of Outdoors and included a feature article on their four favorite spots for backcountry skiing in New England.  There's even a video for you kids who don't read too good.

The video, narrated by David Goodman, explains some of his favorite spots.

I'm not sure if I agree with AMC's list, but it provides a nice variety of steeps as well as rolling tours.

This begs the question: Which locales would I list as my favorites? 

After many minutes of contemplation and a vision quest involving NyQuil and a stationary bike, I've summoned the following list:

4. Mt. Cardigan, NH
3. Mt. Hunger, VT
2. South Baldface, NH
1. Gulf of Slides, Mt. Washington, NH

Which would you list?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Nor'Easter Alert!

The L's are Lining Up

The first winter storm of the 2010-2011 season appears to be on its way to the higher summits of New England, and its a Nor'Easter.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A New Old Resource for East Coast Skiers

Right there between bird watching and lighthouses.

I received a photo from my friend Keith yesterday.  Keith, who has sworn off winter camping and backcountry skiing, had noticed a book on backcountry skiing at the local Borders. He hadn't seen me reading it yet, so naturally had to pass it along.  

My first thought:  Aha! Keith is now noticing books on backcountry skiing.  Maybe our campfire chat did him some good, and there is hope for him after all.

My second thought: What?  A book about East Coast backcountry skiing that I've never heard of?!

Well, a quick Amazon search revealed that this is a new version of two older books.  It appears David Goodman has combined his two previous volumes on backcountry skiing into one book covering both New England and New York.  I'm curious to see if he's added any new destinations to his reviews.

This would be a good resource for those looking for an introduction to backcountry skiing in the East.